Warning signs Stroke

Stroke or cerebrovascular disease, is constricte, rupture, is considered a serious disease in the first place. That kill the Thai population And there is an increasing trend until now Stroke is caused by a lack of blood supply to the brain. Due to the blockage or rupture of the blood vessels that are the paths for blood to feed the different parts of the brain. Not just the elderly, but working people. or teenagers may be at risk stroke for different reasons Especially in the age range of 18-50 years.
Warning signs Stroke
Observing the “BEFAST” symptoms of yourself or someone close to you is therefore important.
B is Balance, staggering, dizziness, sudden spinning house
E is for Eyes, blurred vision, blurred vision, sudden double vision
F is for Face Dropping. When smiling, the corners of the mouth drop.
A is for Arm Weakness or weak limbs
S stands for Speech Difficulty. Slurred speech. Speechless.
T is Time to call. You should call the staff immediately and take it to the hospital.
Stroke risk factors
- Blood pressure People with blood pressure higher than 140-80 mm Hg (normal value 140-80 mm Hg) will cause abnormal brain function. or the rupture or narrowing of the cerebral arteries
- Diabetes causes atherosclerosis . Causing blood vessels to feed the brain clogged born paralyzed (If the blood sugar level before breakfast is detect more than 110 mg/dL more than 2 times. It may assume that it is diabetes)
- hyperlipidemia Cause blockage of the blood vessels that feed the brain. Resulting in later paralysis
- Smoking, the more you smoke, the greater the risk. Because many substances in cigarettes are catalysts to cause irritation of the artery walls until the narrowing can occur.
- lack of exercise
- Obesity
- stress
Diagnosis of Stroke
Diagnosis to identify the risk of ischemic stroke. This can done in several ways. In addition to red blood cells to see the concentration of blood Examination of blood vessel inflammation Blood sugar and fat levels were check. Additional X-rays of the brain may performe. In cases where blood test results are at risk of ischemic stroke, including:
- Computerized tomography (CT) is an examination of the cerebral blood vessels to see if there is a rupture or narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a magnetic field X-ray of the brain that can provide more detailed images of the brain. which can detect the narrowing of the cerebral arteries in the early stages and can also detect abnormalities in the brain such as brain tumors, etc.
- Carotid duplex ultrasound (carotid duplex ultrasound) to check for obstruction of the arteries in the neck. blood flow in the jugular artery which is an important blood vessel that feeds the brain using high frequency to detect the size and thickness of the artery walls Including the circulation of blood vessels that go up to the brain
Magic Number with stroke treatment
Most importantly, the Magic Number 4.5 means. That if you arrive at the hospital within 4.5 hours of the first symptom being noticed. Your doctor will able to give you a blood thinner or rtPA intravenously. In patients with cerebral ischemia and intracranial hemorrhage was not found It will allow the blood to feed the brain in time. But for those who come more than 4.5 hours late but not more than 24 hours after the onset of symptoms and diagnosed with cerebral clots not dying from massive thromboembolism. Administration of rtPA may not improve symptoms. Requires treatment by inserting a cerebrovascular catheter to help The doctor will consider whether to use a suction method or bring a wire or a sieve to hook up the clotted blood. Therefore, there is a risk that can occur.
If the patient is to undergo surgery. It must done with caution by an experienced physician. in order to plan the treatment to achieve the best results for the patients as possible In addition to the administration of anticoagulant drugs fibrinolytic agents or rt-PA, a procedure for inserting a catheter to open up a stroke.
Endovascular thrombectomy (endovascular thrombectomy) MRI technology (MRI) is also used to scan the brain. will able to clearly see the damage This will lead to the conclusion of treatment that is accurate and effective. The doctor will use the Bi – Plane DSA (Bi-Plane DSA), a device for diagnosing and treating vascular disease. Minimally Invasive Procedures help pull out clots by inserting a catheter to open the cerebral arteries. (No craniotomy required), but there will be a small incision in the groin. Where the catheter is insert. and to provide the most effective treatment for each patient at UFABET