Secret tips to take care of your liver for good health.

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The liver is the most important and largest organ in the body. It is responsible for transforming substances, including medicines that we take to treat diseases, into a form that can be excreted from the body. It also produces bile to help digest food and creates substances that help clot the blood. Therefore, when the liver malfunctions, it causes various diseases that may be life-threatening. Therefore, liver preservation is very important for health. If we do not take good care of it or prevent it, it may cause liver inflammation.

Ways to take care of your liver for good health

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is a cause of acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
  • Control your weight to be within the appropriate range. Do not let obesity occur and exercise regularly to prevent fatty liver.
  • Avoid risky behaviors that could lead to infection with hepatitis and liver fluke, such as eating undercooked food, especially pork, UFABET, seafood, fermented fish, and undercooked freshwater fish, having unprotected sex, getting tattoos, or using unclean injection needles.
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption, which is a risk factor for cirrhosis.
  • Avoid eating old, processed or seasoned foods because they may contain chemicals or contaminants such as heavy metals and carcinogens. If you cannot avoid them, eat them in small amounts or infrequently.
  • Do not buy medicine to take yourself. Both current medicines, herbal medicines, dietary supplements or vitamins, which may have a harmful effect on liver function.
  • Avoid eating fried food or food with high oil content in large amounts or too frequently to prevent obesity, which can cause high fat in the liver and lead to cirrhosis.

The liver is a large and important organ in the body. It is responsible for converting nutrients into a form that the body can absorb and use. It is a storage place for nutrients for the body to use when needed. It also has an important role in removing waste and toxins from the body. And change other lifestyles such as quitting smoking, avoiding environmental pollution with dust, smoke, toxins, chemicals. In addition, you must exercise regularly, do not sleep late, and avoid stress.